Contact Us

Phone: +98 (21) 73931
Dean: +98 (21) 73932601 and +98 (21) 73932602
Associate dean for research: +98 (21) 73932510
Associate dean for education: +98 (21) 73932549
Executive manager: +98 (21) 73932628
Dormitory: +98 (21) 73932275
Library: +98 (21) 73932601-3
Informatics unit: +98 (21) 73932815
Laboratory and workshop office: +98 (21) 73932511
Departments office: +98 (21) 73932610
Email: electrical-cp[at]
Fax: +98 (21) 73932798
Address and Routes
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering (Control - Power), Shahid Abbaspour Technical and Engineering Campus, Shahid Beheshti University, Bahar Blvd., Hakimieh, Tehran
  • Postal code: 16589-53571
  • PO Box: 1719-16765
  • Access routes 1: Tehran, Nobonyad square, end of Shahid Babaei highway, beginning of Hakimiyeh, Bahar boulevard, Shahid Abbaspur technical and engineering campus
  • Access routes 2: Tehran, 4th squra of Tehranpars, Shahid Zeinoddin highway, Vafadar Sharghi Blvd., Hakimieh, Bahar Blvd., Shahid Abbaspur technical and Engineering campus
  • Metro route 1: from the Jashnvare metro station by Hakimiye taxi
  • Metro route 2: from Nobanyad metro station by Hakimiye taxi