Mohammad Taghi Ameli


Update: 2025-03-27

Mohammad Taghi Ameli

Electrical Engineering - Control and Power Systems /

Master Theses

  1. Optimal critical load restoration in distribution system using network reconfiguration considering electric vehicles discharging capability
    Parsa Parhizgar 2025
  2. detection and classification of power quality disturbances based on transfer learning with learning model updating
    Mohammad Mosayebi 2024
  3. Bilevel robust state estimation for distribution systems using machine learning
    Mohammad amin Ranjbar 2024
  4. Improving the resilience of the electricity and gas network against natural disasters by optimizing the dispatch of repair crews
    Mohsen Tavakoli 2024
  5. Security assessment of power systems by using machine learning and strengthening it against incomplete data via transfer learning
    Mohammadreza Paripour 2023
  6. Simultaneous operation of integrated electricity and gas systems with the presence of renewable wind sources and modeling their uncertainty
    Ali Mojaddam 2023
  7. Optimal operation of integrated electricity-gas distribution networks considering uncertainties and reconfiguration in distribution networks
    Mohammad ali Rahimi 2023
  8. Online Distribution State estimation by using Multi-area approach with Machine learning
    Seyed Mohammad Hossein Jafari 2023

  9. Farzaneh Boronousi 2023
  10. Peer to peer energy management in a grid connected nanogrid considering electric vehicle
    Sahar Dadashi 2022
  11. Distribution system resiliency improvement against hurricane through optimum line hardening with machine learning
    Navid Talaei 2022
  12. optimal bi-level management of electric vehicles’ active and reactive power for participating in energy market and distribution network operation improvement
    Saleh Aghajaneshkevari 2022
  13. Wind power plant Condition-based O&M management using machine learning
  14. Detection of Generator Trips, Load Disconnections or Line Trips Using Frequency Disturbance Based on PMUs and Deep Learning
    Mohammad Reza Shadi 2021

  15. Sayed Mohammad Shobeiry 2021
  16. Online assessment of power grid security based on parallel modeling in random forest
    Ali Mollaiee 2021
  17. Online Fault Location/Detection in Power System Using Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) and Machine Learning
    Ali Paeizi 2021
  18. Multi-objective optimal planning for preventive maintenance of wind farms in electricity market based power systems
    Vahid Sheikh Hosseini 2021
  19. optimal modeling of local demand response in the integrated electric and gas network to synchronize the fuel costs and emissions of thermal units
    Mohamad mehdi Davary 2021
  20. synchronous machine dynamic state estimation with non-Gaussian noises with unknown inputs
    Mohammadreza Eesa zadeh 2020
  21. Bi-Level Reconfiguration with Optimal Operation of Resources and Energy Storage Systems to Improve Distribution Network Resiliency
    Zahra Sayadi 2020
  22. Optimization of the management system in the micro-grid with the uncertainty of renewable resources and consideration of environmental constraints.
    Milad Khoshzat 2020
  23. Increasing resiliency for improving reliability by using sensitivity analysis method in integrated operation of electricity and gas networks
    Masoumeh Sharifpour 2020
  24. Optimizing coordination operation of gas and electric networks with considering renewable energies uncertainities
    Vahid Shahbazbagian 2020

  25. Ali mohammad Rostami 2020

  26. Seyed Ali Hashemi 2019

  27. Sasan Azad 2019

  28. Mohammad Mehdi Amiri 2019

  29. Seyed mahmoud Hasani kiyakalaye 2019
  30. optimal reactive power control of distributed generation units for voltage control of distribution network
    Mehran Veisi 2019

  31. Babak Bibak 2018

  32. Abbas Alizadeh 2018

  33. Majid Yosefi 2018

  34. Ehsan Yaghoubi Bayekolaei 2017

  35. Mohammad Mehdi Rezvani 2017

  36. Reza Khoud 2017

  37. Khadije Hosseinnejad 2016

  38. Mohammad Javad Alizadegan Shahrudi 2016

  39. Esmaeil Ghodsi 2016

  40. Reza Azimi 2016

  41. Amir Khoddami 2016


  43. Ehsan Sanei 2015

  44. Amin Eskandari Nasab 2014

  45. Amir Ahmadi 2014

  46. Meissam Sabzalipour 2014

  47. Abbas Karimi Lanji 2014

  48. Hamid Ahfadi 2013

  49. Peyman Yadegari 2013

  50. Ehsan Rezanejad Asl 2012